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My Stranger in the Dark Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: Aprl 16, 2023 | ||
Theme song: "Lucid" Rina Sawayama Robertson
Enterprises "I am glad you two are here this morning," Dominick announces as he moves into the main office at Robertson Enterprises and sees Tyler and Paige huddled around the large desk looking at some recent promo shots that were taken. Dominick has been eager to see his son and granddaughter with some ideas for the company; while he has retired, he still wants to ensure Robertson Enterprises is doing as well as it possibly can. "Dad, since you're here, maybe you can give us your opinion," Tyler tells Dominick, who moves closer to the desk. "I like this shot but Paige likes the one with the shadow behind the model. What do you think?" Dominick studies the images and then points to the one that Paige suggested to use. "The shadows behind the model add some more dimension to the ad," Dominick tells them. "The other shot is clear, but this one has a mystery to it that will make people want to know what is going on." Tyler nods back to him. "That's a great perspective, thanks Dad." "Yes, thank you grandfather," Paige smiles back to him. "I think being in the studio for so long, my eye has been trained to pick up on these things." "You're doing great work there," Tyler tells her. "So, Dad, what brings you by? It seems like you wanted to talk to us about something important?" "It is important," Dominick moves to the bar and pours a scotch. "It is about a position at the company; are there any openings in a higher level executive position right now?" Tyler looks at Paige with an arched eyebrow before he looks back at his father. "Not currently, why do you ask? Is there someone in particular that you want to be working here?" "There is," Dominick takes another sip of his drink. "I want Abigail to have a position here. She has been very vocal to me about wanting to work for the family company." "Are you out of your mind?" Paige gasps back to him. "Abby has no education to work in this company! No grandfather, this is a terrible idea." "To be fair," Dominick replies to her quickly. "You didn't have the proper education and I gave you a job here. Over time, you have learned the ropes, and look at you today. You identified the photo to use in the upcoming ad. When you first started, you wouldn't have been able to do this." "He does have a point," Tyler agrees with Dominick, which makes Paige's blood boil. "I'll tell you what, Dad, when a position comes up, I will interview Abby and see how she does. I won't make any promises, but I will give her a chance." "I appreciate that," Dominick smiles back to his son. Paige shakes her head back in disgust as she realizes that Abby might be her new co-worker. She doesn't know how or why but she knows that she has to stop this from happening. There is no way that she will allow Abby to further push herself into her family. | ||
One Day House; The Upstairs
Offices Abby takes a deep breath as she prepares to knock on Ethan's office door. Her mind is racing about how earlier in the day she and Dominick seemingly had a fight because of his connection to Felicia. She knows that he will always be close to his ex-wife but the fact that he is so involved with her is starting to make her have many insecurities about their relationship. Added in the fact that she still doesn't have a job at Robertson Enterprises and that she kissed Ethan recently and Abby is left feeling like her head is spinning. "Is coming here the best thing for me to do?" she asks herself, as she knows that her attraction to her lawyer is growing each and every day. Before she can even answer her own question, she finds herself knocking on his door, knowing that Ethan is one of her only friends right now. She opens the door after she hears a faint "come in"; she moves inside and sees Ethan sitting behind his desk, looking incredibly handsome. "Abby," Ethan stands up from behind his desk. "I was actually going to call you today." Abby arches her eyebrow back to him. "You were? What's going on?" "Something happened and I wanted you to hear it from me," Ethan moves closer to her as he licks his lips. "What happened? Is everything alright?" "I am fine," Ethan nods back to her. "It is Paige; she has seen us together a few times when we were having drinks or something." Abby shrugs her shoulders back to him. "Ugh, she told me the same thing. I told her that I am allowed to have friends outside of my husband." Ethan chuckles back to her. "I told her something similar," he reveals to her. "But she did tell me that you were, I think her words were, 'bad news'. Don't worry, I didn't tell her about our kiss or anything." "That woman is a piece of work!" Abby grits her teeth together. "As if I didn't have a bad enough morning, how I find out Paige is trash talking me." "Bad morning? Anything I can do to help?" "Just listening is all the help I need," she winks back to him. "And thanks for not telling anyone about our kiss, Ethan. You really are the best friend that I have right now." Ethan smiles back to her, which causes her heart to skip a beat. "Hey, the feeling is more than mutual. Now, what are we going to do about Paige?" The
Pink Flamingo at the River Rock Casino "I had no idea that you were such a shark on the roulette table," Cory chuckles to Robin as they sit at an open table at the restaurant that is attached to the casino. The two had ran into one another earlier at the coffeehouse and agreed to come to the casino together to play some games. Robin's luck at the roulette table took him by surprise after she won a cool two thousand dollars. Not wanting to lose her winnings, Robin suggested they come to the restaurant for lunch, which will be her treat. Robin chuckles back to him before she takes a sip of her sparkling water. "Consider that beginners luck," she replies to him. "You know me well enough to know that I've never much of a gambler." "That I remember," he nods back to her. "This was a fun way to spend our morning." "Well, thanks for the suggestion," she smiles back to him. "After everything that has happened the last few weeks, it is nice to just let loose and have some fun." Cory chuckles back to her. "I couldn't agree more," he agrees with her. "Seems like you and I are in similar situations; you know? Both ending relationships for different reasons and trying to move on." "Only moving on for me is going to look very different," she tells him as she puts her hand on her ever-expanding belly. "I'm going to be a single mother." Cory takes a deep breath before he takes a sip of his wine. "Cory? Are you okay? What did I say that upset you?" Cory forces a smile on his face. "Is that obvious?" Robin nods back to him. "You and I know each other so well, I can tell when something is bothering you, so spill it. What's up?" "It's nothing," Cory shakes his head back to her. "It's just I never thought I'd see the day where you would have children, Robin. After everything that happened with our baby girl " "That is still one of the worst days of my life," she nods back to him as she thinks about her stalker, Liam, kidnapped her and took her to the Calimo cabin, where she gave birth to a stillborn child. "Losing our daughter, I don't think I've ever recovered." "Look at us," Cory looks back at her. "We have been to hell and back together, and we are still enjoying each other's company." "And that is something that will never change," she reaches over and squeezes his hand quickly. *** At another table, Helen picks her chardonnay and takes a sip of it while Dawn takes a bite of her grilled chicken salad. Helen was surprised when Dawn called her and asked her to join her for lunch, since she knew her daughter had a shift at the hospital that day. "I know you don't have a lot of time," Helen tells her daughter, who takes another bite of her salad. "You have to get back to the hospital to finish your shift?" "I do," Dawn nods back to her. "But I couldn't bear the thought of eating at the cafeteria today." Helen chuckles. "I'm not complaining; it is nice to get a lunch invite from my beautiful daughter." "I am seeing both of my parents today, which is nice." "You saw Adam earlier today?" "Yea, I did," Dawn reveals to her. "He stopped by on my morning break. We had a good talk. He knows that you've started to see Dale." Helen uneasily nods back to her. "He does," she purses her lips together. "He asked me about Dale because he saw us having drinks together. I told him I'm not rushing into anything but that I am enjoying my time with Dale." "I have my own theory." Helen arches her eyebrow back to her. "And what would that be?" "I think Dad is jealous that you're with Dale," Dawn reveals to her. "I don't think he will say anything but he still loves you Mom, and this is just proof of that." Helen feels her cheeks blush. "Dawn, I don't know how many times I can tell you but that ship has sailed. Your father and I are over." "I don't believe that," Dawn replies to her. "And I think if you're honest with yourself, you don't believe that either. I still have hope that this is our chance to be a family again, Mom. Don't let this chance slip away, please." *** "I hope this place is okay for our first date," Max smiles over to Isabelle as they sit across from one another in the corner table, which is the most private in the restaurant. Max was so excited when she agreed to go on a date with him that he suggested that they go out for lunch because he couldn't wait to be alone with the gorgeous model. Isabelle winks back to him before she takes a sip of her white wine. "Despite the fact that my father could show up at any time, it is just fine." Max chuckles back to her. "I actually did my homework and found out that your father left on a business trip earlier today," he reveals to him. "Otherwise, I would have taken you to the Pampa Grill." Isabelle nods back to him impressed by his investigative skills. "He did leave this morning, I got a text from him. I must say, that's awesome that you scoped that out before bringing me here." Max chuckles to her. "Trust me, I get it, the last thing you want on a date is for your father to be hovering." "And he would hover, believe me." "You are so beautiful when you smile," Max tells her as their eyes lock with one another. Isabelle blushes back to him. "You're very sweet, Max. Thanks for saying that to me." "I am just being honest, Isabelle," Max says as he lifts his glass to toast her. "How about a toast? To new beginnings for both of us and the start of something beautiful? "I'll drink to that," Isabelle picks up her wine glass and clinks it together with Max's before they both start to drink. *** "I am so sorry about my parents," Jacob tells Cassie as they sit at the bar together, each with a martini in front of them. Jacob is still floored that Shane and Natasha secretly had their own paternity test on Carter done to see if Cassie was lying about the original DNA test. Naturally, he, and Cassie, were livid and she told him that he had to decide if he was in Carter's corner, or his parents corner. After dropping Carter off with the nanny, Jacob suggested they come to the restaurant to have a drink and a talk. "I had no idea that they were going to run another paternity test on Carter." "Your mother has always hated me," Cassie replies to him coldly before she takes a sip of her martini. "I have changed but she can't seem to believe that." "You did have a mental break last year and try to kill Paige and I," he remind hers quickly. "Having a mental break doesn't mean that I haven't changed," Cassie replies to him. "Anyways, I think you will have to make some harsh decisions in the future if your parents don't come around. I won't have two negative influences in Carter's life, Jacob. I won't stand for that." "I am hoping that this is the end of it," Jacob nods back to her. "Because I agree; Carter doesn't need that negativity in his life." Suddenly, Jacob drops the small napkin that is on his lap. He hops off the stool and picks it up. As he stands up straight again, his eyes happen to fall gaze upon Max and Isabelle sitting together at a table, both of them are laughing and clearly enjoying each other's company. Jacob feels his heart move into his throat as he gulps heavily at the sight. He turns back to face Cassie. "I meant that Cassie," he says as he leans in and kisses her cheek, which surprises Cassie. "I won't allow anyone, not even my parents, to hurt Carter. He is our son and nothing will ever change that." Cassie gets a smile on her face at Jacob's words, and at the fact that he kissed her cheek. Maybe, she thinks to herself, this is the start of them reuniting and truly being a family together. Twin
Peaks International Airport "We are just waiting for Leah to arrive," Jeff looks over at Meggan as they sit in the airport and are waiting for Leah to arrive. The three of them are going back to Santa Barbara in hopes of uncovering some piece of information that will help them uncover Jeff and Leah's long lost child. They were going to head out sooner, but with Frederick coming back, they had hoped that he should shed some light on the missing child, but he hasn't yet and Jeff and Leah can't wait anymore. "Then we can leave." "I hope this goes the way you and Leah want it too," Meggan replies to him. "There's no guarantee that we will uncover anything." "I know that but it is worth a shot, don't you think?" "I definitely think that," Meggan nods back to him. "By the way, I've been meaning to ask you how you are feeling about the fact that Leah is your sister? You two have had such a long, sorted, history. Are you doing okay?" Meggan sighs back to him as she recalls how Frederick hosted a dinner party recently and made the announcement that the DNA test proved that he is Leah's biological father. Of course, she has been left spinning by this because it wasn't too long ago that she, and Lukas, learned that Daisy was their half-sibling. With Leah, it is even more complicated because of Meggan's history with her. "I guess I am not surprised," she reveals to him. "But it is difficult because Leah and I haven't always gotten along. But, I appreciate what she is going through right now and I am trying to be as supportive as I can be." "That's why you're such a good woman," Jeff smiles back to her. "I love you, Meg." "I love you too," Meggan replies to him as Leah moves up to them. "Hey guys, sorry, the security line was longer than I anticipated. Are we ready to go?" Leah asks them. "We are, the private jet is waiting for us," Meggan says as she stands up and looks at her sister. Leah and Jeff look at one another with hope in their eyes. "Ready to see if we can find out child?" he asks her as she nods back to him before the three of them start to walk towards their gate. The
Bellgaio Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada The penthouse suite at the Bellgaio is a two level room with expansive views of the strip in Las Vegas. It has three bedrooms, three bathrooms and multiple bars in the suite. Daisy looks out of the large window in amazement before she turns around to face Antonio, who is opening a bottle of champagne. "When you said you wanted to go somewhere else to talk about this job offer, I had no idea you were going to whisk us to Las Vegas, in one of the most expensive rooms in the city," she chuckles back to him as she moves up to him and accepts a glass of wine. "I wanted to bring you here for a few reasons," Antonio takes a sip of the bubbly beverage. "As you can imagine, I do a lot of business in Vegas as I also own my own casino. So there are job opportunities here but they could easily transfer back to the River Rock Casino if you enjoy them." Daisy arches his eyebrow, still wondering what he is talking about exactly. "And the other reasons that you brought me here?" "Oh Daisy," he chuckles to her. "You're so uptight, you need to cut loose and live a little. What better place to do that than in Vegas?" Daisy gulps back to him realizing that he is right: she has been so depressed lately because of her abortion that she has forgotten how to live and enjoy life. She nods back to him, realizing that this is exactly what she needs right now. "I'll drink to that," she grins back to him. "To living life, to it's very fullest." The
Sugarbowl Tyler thanks the barista as he grabs his coffee before he loves over to the coffee bar to put some cream and sugar in his beverage. After his morning meeting with Dominick, he realized that he needed another jolt of caffeine so he came to the coffeehouse. Now that he has his coffee, he will head back to the office so he can continue to work as he has a million things to do. As he turns to leave, he notices Natasha move into the Sugarbowl. Immediately, he wonders how she, and the Roboto, gang are doing since he filed a lawsuit against them for corporate sabotage. "Looks like we both need another coffee today, huh?" he says as he approaches his former lover. "Oh, so now you're going to be nice to me?" Natasha huffs back to him. "You're trying to ruin my company, Tyler. Everything my family has worked our entire lives for, you are single handily trying to ruin." Tyler chuckles back to her. "For the record, it's not personal, it's business. And you should be blaming Robbie if you want to blame anyone for this mess." "Don't mention my brother's name," Natasha hisses back to him. "This is all on you; we could have solved this outside of lawsuits and court rooms, but no, you choose to go down that path." "You're damn right I did," Tyler tells her. "And you know what? I will get justice for Robbie ruining my campaign with Cheresa. You can spat all you want with me, but the fact remains: Roboto will pay for what you've done and there's not a damn thing that you, or anyone, can do about that." "We'll see about that," Natasha glares back at him. "We will see about that." Next
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