Theme song: "June Gloom" Allie X
Previously on One Day at a Time - Felicia agreed to marry Frederick
after "Barbara" suggested it to her. Victoria, meanwhile, told Dominick
the truth about Eva wearing a Barbara mask. They raced back to the mansion so
he could stop the wedding. Victoria reunited with Eva but Frederick caught them
together - Tyler accepted Natasha's offer of 7 million dollars to drop the
lawsuit - Daisy encouraged Antonio to tell her what happened the night she
got drunk in Vegas -Nicholas set up a romantic evening for Andy with the intention
of proposing to him - Paige told Ethan that she wasn't attracted to him
- Andrew continued to gamble in hopes of forgetting Trenyce
The Victors
Estate; Frederick's Lair
"What is going on in here?" a booming
voice asks as Victoria looks into Eva's eyes. She still can't believe that she
is standing in front of her mother; for over a year she, and Donovan and Natasha,
have believed that their mother was killed by Brooke, but in fact she is alive.
She doesn't know how or why Eva is alive, but she doesn't are. She is just grateful
for the fact that she is alive and back in her life. Anything else can wait. Victoria
turns and sees Frederick standing in the bedroom with his arms crossed over his
chest. She gulps heavily wondering what he is going to do now that he has discovered
that she knows that Eva is alive. "Frederick," Victoria looks
back at him. "I can't believe it but my mother is alive! How did this happen?"
"How did you get in here? How did you find out that Eva was alive?"
he asks her sternly. "This woman is claiming to be my daughter,
Frederick!" Eva interrupts him. "Is that true? Do I have children? You
told me that you'd help me regain my memories if I helped you!"
"Is that true?" Victoria looks back at Eva before she looks at Frederick.
"Did you tell her you'd help her if she helped you? Is that why she has been
disguising herself in that mask that looks like Barbara Mills?"
Frederick shakes his head realizing that Victoria knows too much information that
he can't allow to get out. If anyone learned the truth, he knows that Felicia
wouldn't marry him; it would ruin everything that he has been working so hard
for. "There are far too many questions being asked right now and
I, well, I am getting married," Frederick replies to them. "I'll tell
you what, you two stay in here and get caught up and I'll go marry the woman of
my dreams." Victoria arches her eyebrow wondering why he is being
nice to them when she has learned all of his secrets. She sees Frederick start
to leave the room so she races up to stop him but it's too late; Frederick closes
the door and locks it! Victoria, meanwhile, tries to open the door, to
no avail. She bangs on the door. "Frederick! Let us out of here! Frederick,
do you hear me? Let's us out!" Frederick gets a sly grin as he stands
on the other side of the door, not hearing a single word Victoria is saying.
"Sound proofing these rooms was a stroke of genius," he tells himself.
"Now, I can take care of them once I have married Felicia. Nothing and no
one will stop me from marrying the woman I love." | |
The Davenport House; Trenyce
& Chris' Home
"Well, it's been a long day, I can't wait to
crawl into bed," Trenyce chuckles over to Chris as she starts to turn out
the lights in the living room of the house that they live in together.
"Good," Chris replies to her. "You are carrying my child, so you
need your rest." Just as they start to move towards the bedroom,
they hear the doorbell chime. They look at one another, wondering who could be
at their door considering it is rather late. "I wonder who that
could be," Trenyce says as she tightens her housecoat as she moves to the
door. She opens it and is surprised to see Dawn standing outside. "Dawn,
hi. Is everything okay? Is it Cheresa?" "Yes, we are fine,"
Dawn nods as she moves into the foyer. "I'm sorry for dropping by so late.
I just had to come and see both of you." Chris and Trenyce
looks back at one another in concern. "Alright, what is this about?"
Chris asks her quickly. "It's about Andrew," Dawn reveals to
them. "Cheresa and I, we've seen him gambling at the casino and
I don't
know, it's just not sitting well with me. I'm not trying to rat him out or spy
on him, I just want everyone that cares about him to know what's going on with
him before this gets out of control." Trenyce gulps heavily wondering
if the pregnancy and her engagement to Chris are impacting Andrew more than he
is letting on. The last thing that she wants is for Andrew to go down a dark path
because of their one night stand. "Thanks for telling us,"
Trenyce finally replies to her. "Chris and I, we will make sure we are checking
in on him to make sure he is doing okay. "Yea, absolutely. We appreciate
you stopping by to let us know," Chris tells her. "We will make sure
that Andrew's head is on right." "Thanks guys," Dawn smiles
back to them. "I would appreciate that." The Tower's; Floor
One; Andy & Nicholas' Condo
"You really outdid yourself with
the dinner tonight," Andy tells Nicholas as he finishes wiping his mouth
from the meal that he just shared with his boyfriend. Andy, when he first got
home, was feeling rather exhausted but he was very impressed by how much effort
Nicholas went through to set up a romantic evening that he has been pushing through.
Nicholas chuckles back to him. "I'm glad you liked it," he replies
to him. "It's like I said, I really wanted this night to be special for us,
Andy." Andy nods back to him. "I'm not complaining, this is
incredible that you've done this Nicholas. Do you mind if I ask why?"
"Why? What do you mean?" Andy shrugs back to him. "We
live together, why was tonight so important for you to make special?"
Nicholas chuckles. "Well, we've been through so much this last few months,
first with Clayton and then my mother," Nicholas admits to him. "I guess
I wanted to really show you that I am committed to you and our love."
"That's very sweet of you," Andy tells him. "I love you and
I am committed to you too." "Really?" Nicholas asks him
as Andy nods him. "Well, alright. I guess if that's the case then I just
have one more question for you." Andy arches his eyebrow back to
him. "What question is that?" Nicholas slowly bends down onto
one knee and looks into Andy's eyes as he pulls out the small ring box out of
his box. "Be my partner for the rest of our lives? Will you marry me, Andy?"
The Bellagio Hotel & Casino; Las Vegas, Nevada
I'm all packed to head home," Daisy says as she exits her room of the large
suite that she and Antonio have shared while they have been away in Las Vegas.
It has been a short trip, but Daisy has had a good time and she has realized that
she has needed the escape. However, she is still feeling uneasy because Antonio
has been very coy about what happened the night that they got drunk and Daisy
woke up naked and with a large sum of cash by her bed. "Good, my
car will be picking us up shortly," Antonio looks back at her. "I hope
you found this the escape that you needed." "I won't lie to
you Antonio," Daisy looks back at him. "I have had a good time. I don't
know how you knew that this is what I needed but it worked, I feel like a new
woman." Antonio chuckles back to her. "When I met you in Twin
Peaks, you had this
sense of darkness surrounding you. I won't ask why, it's
none of my business, but I thought that this is what you needed."
"Before we go to the car," Daisy replies to him quickly. "I still
want to know what happened last night. You haven't given me a straight answer
yet; what happened? How did I get all of that money?" "I haven't
told you because I am worried about your reaction," Antonio admits to her.
"But if you want to know, Daisy, I will tell you. I'm just going to ask that
you keep an open mind, okay?" Daisy arches her eyebrow. "Uh,
okay? I'm listening Antonio. Tell me what happened, I'm listening."
The Pink Flamingo at the River Rock Casino
Ethan and Dale have
left the restaurant following the meeting that they attended with Tyler and Natasha
as they tried to wrap up the lawsuit between Roboto and Robertson Enterprises.
Ethan and Tyler were pleasantly surprised to learn that Robbie gave his notice
from Roboto and Natasha presented them a cash settlement of 7 million to end the
lawsuit. Tyler, under the guidance of Ethan, agreed to the offer, so the lawsuit
will be settled outside of court. "I have to admit that I was surprised
by the amount you offered," Tyler looks over at Natasha as he takes a sip
of his whiskey, which he ordered once the meeting was over. "7 million covers
all of our costs that we would have incurred and some revenge lost."
"It's like I told you earlier," Natasha looks back at him. "I
wanted this to be settled outside of the courtroom, so I wanted it to be fair.
Not that I think any of this is fair." Tyler chuckles back to her.
"I agree and it wasn't fair my company suffered because Cheresa suffered
from PTSD from the kidnapping." "You and I," Natasha replies
to him quickly. "We will never see eye to eye on this, so I am glad that
this is over." "You're right, we won't so it is a good thing."
"I will say one final thing," Natasha looks over at him. "And
that is that I will never, ever, forgive you for doing this, Tyler. We could have
settled this in a different way, but you had to pull out every stop you could
to try to sink Roboto. I will never forget this." Before Tyler can
respond, Natasha stands up and storms away from him. He gets a grin on his face
as he takes another sip of his drink. "Don't worry Natasha, I will never
forget this either. And if you think you, or your company, will walk all over
me, you have another thing coming." The Sugarbowl
Ethan opens the door to the coffeehouse with a grin on his face as he is on cloud
nine as he thinks about the fact that he just helped Tyler win the lawsuit vs.
Roboto and Natasha. He knew that he and Robertson Enterprises had a good case
in the lawsuit but he didn't expect Natasha's offer to be 7 million dollars.
He grabs his latte from the barista and is about to leave when he sees Paige
sitting at the window bar. He gets another sly grin on his face when he recalls
how Paige was adamant that she wasn't attracted to him, which would explain why
she wanted him to stay away from Abby. He can't help but wonder if she really
is attracted to him and that's why she was so determined to prove that she wasn't.
"Looks like we are running into one another multiple times today,"
Ethan says as he moves up to her. Paige turns and looks at Ethan. "How
did the meeting go?" she asks him quickly. "Was Natasha ready to settle?"
Ethan grins back to her. "Roboto offered 7 million," he reveals
to her as she gasps back to him. "Tyler accepted the offer, he's over the
moon!" "Wow, that's amazing," Paige giggles back to him.
"You did that for us and the company. Tyler must be thrilled."
"He is," Ethan sits next to her. "And yea, I did help with it,
but it was Tyler who took action with the lawsuit, you know? It was a team effort."
"Well I am glad that you were on our team, Ethan," Paige looks
back at him. Ethan licks his lips and finds himself slowly moving in
closer to kiss Paige on the lips. Abby, however, moves into the coffeehouse as
she was going to grab a coffee as she drives to the Victors mansion to see if
Dominick helps with Felicia, and sees Ethan and Paige on the verge of kissing.
"What is going on over here?" she asks rushing up to the two of
them, which causes Ethan to pull back. "Abby, hey," Ethan looks
back at her. "We won the lawsuit! I was just telling Paige the good news!"
"Ethan, that's major! Congratulations! I am so proud of you," Abby
says as she pulls her friend into a hug, which causes Paige to roll her eyes at
the sight. "We will have to celebrate, hey?" "Yea, I'd
like that. Tonight?" "I can't, I have to run to see Dominick
but soon, okay?" Abby replies to him. "Paige, it was nice seeing you."
"Sure," Paige quickly tells her before Abby waves back to Ethan.
"It's late, I should get going." "Yea, it seemed like
we were on the verge of a breakthrough
" Ethan tells her. "But
then it was a reminder of why I should stay away from you," Paige tells him
as she eyes Abby at the counter. "Congratulations again but have a great
night." The Victors Mansion; Frederick's Lair
everything okay?" Lukas asks Frederick as they stand next to one another
in the living room of the Victors mansion, which has been turned into the venue
for his wedding to Felicia. Behind them, a minister is standing as they are awaiting
the ceremony to begin. Lukas was worried about Frederick when he disappeared for
a few minutes; then he was late arriving to the living room, which makes Lukas
wonder if something else is going on. "Yes, yes," Frederick
uneasily nods back to him, as he thinks about how he locked Victoria and Eva together
in a bedroom. He still has to figure out what he is going to do with them after
the wedding, but he wants nothing to prevent him from enjoying the next hour or
so as he has waited so long to marry Felicia. "I just had one small detail
to attend too and now that it is taken care of, I can focus all my attention on
Felicia and marrying her." "I have never seen you so happy,"
Lukas chuckles back to him. "I hope this is everything that you want it to
be and more." "Thanks Lukas and thank you for standing up for
me," Frederick smiles back to him. "We haven't always been close, so
this really means a lot to me." "I'm glad to be here Dad,"
Lukas tells him. "Maybe this can be the start of a new beginning of us and
Meggan?" "Nothing would make me happier, son."
Before Lukas can respond, the wedding march starts to begin to play. Lukas and
Frederick look over at the entrance way of the living room and they see Felicia
standing in a simple white dress with Leah next to her. "Are you
ready?" Lukas whispers to him. "I've never been more ready
for anything in my life," Frederick beams back to him as Leah and Felicia
slowly start walking towards him. Next on One Day at a Time
- Will Frederick and Felicia marry? - Eva tells Victoria a secret - Antonio
finally tells Daisy the truth | |