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You Were with Shining Stars Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: June 11, 2023 | ||
Theme song: "Textbook" Lana Del Rey MW Investigations "You left early this morning," Jeff announces as he moves into Meggan's office at the private investigator's firm. He can see his lover behind her desk clearly focused on the file that she is reading. He had hoped that they could have breakfast together with Logan, but when Jeff woke up, Meggan was already gone. "I brought you a coffee, in case you hadn't had time to get one yet." "That was nice of you," Meggan doesn't even look up to make eye contact. "You can leave it on my desk; I have a million things to do today." "Uh, okay," Jeff says as he sets her coffee down on her desk. "I can tell when you're upset, so what did I do this time?" "It's nothing, Jeff," Meggan replies to him. "Like I said, I'm just busy today." Jeff moves closer to her and turns her chair around so she has no choice but to look at him. "I'm not leaving until I know what's going on with you, Meg." "Ugh, fine," Meggan sighs back to him. "I saw you and Leah yesterday at the coffeehouse. You two looked very cozy, alright? Now you know, so you can leave now so I can get back to work." "What you saw," Jeff quickly replies to her. "Is a mother and father comforting each other while we search for our missing son. You have nothing more to worry about it; I am with you, I am in love with you, Meggan." Meggan forces a smile on her face. "I guess I need to remind myself of that," she admits to him. "Because this all just feels too familiar, and I don't like, not one little bit." | ||
The Tower's, The Penthouse; Cory's Home "I I think I'm speechless," Robin chuckles to Cory as she just heard the story of Sophie getting expelled from school for lying about being on a rowing team to get a scholarship. She never thought that Cory's daughter would do such a thing, but here they are. "I really hope that Dominique, or this little one, never tries to pull anything like that." "I just don't know what to do with her, you know?" Cory moves over to her as he passes her an herbal tea. "She doesn't seem to understand how serious her actions are." "She's young, give her time and she will come around." "I sure hope so," Cory sighs as he sits next to her. "The joys of parenting, huh?" Robin giggles back to him. "That's for sure." "By the way," he looks over at his ex-wife. "How was that dinner with Antonio?" Robin blushes back to him as she thinks about how Antonio pulled out all of the stops to romance her at the private lounge above the Pink Flamingo at the casino. He had the entire lounge rented for just the two of them; he had candles everywhere and gave her a dozen red roses. "It it was actually very nice," Robin nods back to him. "After everything that happened with Adam and Shane, I didn't think I would be romanced by another man, especially considering I'm pregnant." "So, he was romancing you? It wasn't just a friendly date?" Robin looks back at him. "He made it clear he was interested in me," she nods back to him. "Why do you ask, Cory? Does this bother you?" It's Cory's turn to uneasily chuckle back to her. "Can I be honest with you?" he asks her as she nods back to him. "I I felt jealous when you told me about the dinner. I guess, us spending so much time together, has made me start to have feelings for you again." "Oh Cory " "No, Robin," he stops her. "You don't have to say anything, not yet anyways. Just know how I'm feeling. I don't want to complicate your life any more than it currently is, but yea, I can't help but think that I am starting to fall for you all over again." The Lawson Estate; Greg & Cheresa's Home "Alright Traci, the grocery list, you think you can handle it?" Greg asks his maid as he paces back and forth in the living room of his lavish home. He just finished giving Traci a long list of food items that he requires for a special evening he is planning for him and Kim. "Of course," Traci nods back to him. "Does this evening have anything to do with my advice to you from the other day?" she asks him out of curiosity. "You know, about making a move on Kim?" Greg smirks back to her as he thinks about her advice. He decided to take his maid's call to action seriously, but when he went to see Kim, he saw her sharing a close moment with Robbie. Thinking that they were back together, Greg was deflated, but when he saw Kim next, she told him that she and Robbie are, in fact, over. So, now, he is preparing to have her over for a special dinner. "It has everything to do with that," Greg replies to her. "I'm going to do it, Traci. Not only am I going to make a move on Kim, I'm going to give her this." Traci's eye's open wider in surprise as she sees Greg open a black box with a large diamond ring inside of it. "Mr. Lawson, it's it's stunning. And, it looks like it costs a fortune!" Greg chuckles back to her. "Do you think Kim will like it?" "Like it? She'd be a fool to say no to you and that rock," Traci giggles back to him. "I'm I'm glad you're listening to me. I think tonight will be a night you and Kim never forget." The Sugarbowl Kim sits at the back booth of the coffeehouse with a strong black coffee in front of her. She is lost in her train of thoughts about everything that has happened lately; she got her divorce settlement from Robbie, and he was forced out of Roboto as a part of the lawsuit that Tyler filed against the company. After years of seeing Robbie at both work and home, she realizes that she might not see him nearly as often now. While she knows that she wanted the divorce because she doesn't know how to get over the fact that he was partly responsible for her miscarriage, the fact that their relationship has changed so much, is still a hard pill to swallow. "You look a million miles away," a voice calls out at her table, causing her to look up and see her ex-husband standing there. "Penny for your thoughts?" "Robbie, I didn't see you come in," she admits to him as he sits across from her. "I guess I was just lost in my thoughts." "Apparently," he nods back to her. "Everything okay?" "Yea, everything is fine," Kim tells him. "I I guess I was just realizing how our lives have changed, you know? I used to see you at work and home every day, and now, we are divorced and you're no longer at Roboto." Robbie chuckles back to her. "I have been thinking about that too," he admits to her. "I guess it's true what they say, nothing lasts forever." Kim feels her eyes swell with water. "But when we were together, we were happy, right? I'm not imagining that?" Robbie reaches over and grabs her hand to squeeze it. "We were very happy, Kim. Always remember those good times, I know that's all that is keeping me going right now." A tear falls down Kim's cheek so she quickly wipes it away. "I'll do that, Robbie. I definitely will do that." *** At the window seat, Helen looks outside as she recalls the previous day's events. Dale returned to her home after Adam had revealed that he is Mallory Cunningham's father; he confirmed that it was true but he also claimed that he had a way to prove to Helen that he never knew their connection to Mallory when they met. To prove this, Dale stunned Helen by asking him to marry her. Helen was so rattled that she admitted to Dale that she needed time to think about the proposal. "Mallory Cunningham," Helen shuts her eyes and thinks back to how the young woman started to flirt with Adam, years ago, when he was teaching her at school. She pursued him but when Adam rejected her, she kidnapped Dawn and held her hostage in the tree house in Adam and Helen's backyard. When they realized where Mallory was, Adam went to save Dawn and Mallory fell out of the treehouse and died from her injuries. "I hadn't thought of her in so many years; she was so young when she died, it was a tragedy. And now, her father is in my life and my God, my bed." She shakes her head as she tries to wrap her head around all of this information. Before she can think of anything else, however, Dale opens the door to the coffeehouse and moves inside. He immediately sees Helen and moves up to her. "Morning," he says with a half-smile on his face. He doesn't know where he stands with his lover right now, but he hopes that he can smooth this all over. "How are things?" Helen looks back at him as he sits next to her. "I wish I knew," she admits to him. "I am just trying to wrap my head around everything that's happened." "I can understand that," Dale replies to her quickly. "I was hoping my gesture was proof enough on my end to prove to you that I care about you, Helen. I didn't know about your and Adam's connection to Mallory until afterwards." "You've said that," Helen nods back to him. "Just know that I am thinking about your proposal, Dale, but for right now, I need time. I hope you're okay with that." "Of course," Dale smiles back to her. "I understand that this is a huge shock, so you take all the time you need. I want you to be my wife, Helen, so I will wait." The Pink Flamingo at the River Rock Casino "I know it's early but I was thinking something like this for our wedding," Nicholas smiles as he turns his phone screen to Andy, who sets his coffee down to look at the screen. Andy looks back in surprise before he smiles at his fiancé. "Baby blue tuxedos?" Andy chuckles to him. "I mean, it's different, I don't hate the idea." Nicholas shakes his head back to him in surprise. "You don't hate it? I don't know that's the reaction I was expecting," he admits to him. "I want you to love whatever we decide to do for our wedding." Andy nods back to him. "I like the idea of a colored tux, for sure," he tells him. "I'm just not sure baby blue is my color." Nicholas chuckles. "That's fair, we can talk about colors, but I'm glad we are on the same page. I just thought black was so " "Not us?" Andy finishes his sentence. "I get it and I agree." "Oh damn," Nicholas looks at his watch. "Look at the time, I have to get to the One Day House; can we finish this conversation later?" "Of course," Andy leans up and kisses Nicholas on the lips. "By the way, I love planning the day that we are going to vow to spend the rest of lives together." "Me too," Nicholas winks back to him. "See you later." Nicholas is about to leave the table when he freezes in his tracks. "My God," he whispers before he looks back at Andy in shock. "What babe? What's wrong?" "Look who just walked into the restaurant," Nicholas whispers to him. Andy looks over at the entrance and feels the blood drain from his face: walking inside are Madeline and Clayton. "Clayton," Andy gasps back to him before he looks back at Nicholas. "He's back?" Dominick's Townhouse "I have to admit, I find this all very strange," Paige admits to her grandfather as she pours herself a glass of orange juice from the bar in the living room of his townhouse. Dominick just finished explaining to her that he can't remember the details leading up to him stopping Felicia from marrying Frederick; he knows that he did stop the wedding, but he doesn't know what he said or did to ensure Felicia didn't get married a few days earlier. "Why don't you have any memory of that?" "I wish I knew," Dominick shakes his head back to her. "I was speaking with Tyler and we thought that, maybe, Frederick brainwashed me somehow." Paige looks back at him in surprise. "Do you think that's possible?" "Anything is possible when it comes to Frederick Richardson," Dominick sighs back to her. "He was brainwashing Felicia before; he even got Eva to help him into it." "I remember that," Paige shakes her head back to him, thinking about the past events. "I just don't like this, grandfather. I want you to remember what happened; maybe it could change the course of things." "I want to remember too my beauty," Dominick replies to her. "But listen, I don't want you to worry about this, okay?" "It's too late," Paige tells him. "I am worried about you and I don't think your wife is doing anything to help you." "Abby? She's been great, trust me." "Really? Then where the hell is she?" Paige asks him quickly. "She should be here, instead, she's God knows where, doing God knows what. I'm telling you Grandfather, I am in your corner, whether she is or not." One Day House; Second Level Offices Abby looks over at Ethan as he pours her a cup of coffee from the bar in his office at the One Day House while she thinks about how she slipped another pill into Dominick's water earlier in the day. She knows that she has to keep drugging him the way Frederick has instructed her too or he will remember that Eva is alive; if that happens, she knows that her marriage will be proven to be illegal and she will lose everything that she has worked so hard for. "Here you go, just the way you like it," Ethan flashes his smile to Abby as she accepts the coffee. "Thanks," she replies before she takes a sip of it. "I mean that, Ethan. I can't thank you enough for always being here for me." "I know if the shoe was on the other foot, you'd be here for me," he winks back to her. "Besides, that's what friends are for. Are you ready to tell me what's going on with you?" Abby sighs back to him. "I am just determined to keep my life," she replies to him quickly. "It seems there are many forces that are trying to take everything I have away from me, and I refuse to let that happen." Ethan starts to chuckle back to her. Abby looks at him and arches her eyebrow. "What's so funny?" she asks him. "No, nothing, forget it." "Tell me," Abby playfully swats his leg. "It's just," he looks into her eyes. "You look sexy when you are so determined. That's all." Abby blushes back to him as she continues to look into his eyes. "I appreciate that compliment," she tells him. "But I am serious; no one will take my life away from me. I will make sure of that." Roboto Sophie steps off the elevator at Roboto and takes a deep breath before she starts to move towards the main office. She hasn't been at the company in many years, but everything is still so familiar. The large plant in the corner, the plaque outside the office door; nothing has really changed, which is why she feels so comfortable. She quickly fixes her skirt before she opens the door to the main office. She moves inside and sees her mother sitting behind the main desk, typing into her laptop. "Good morning," Sophie announces, causing Natasha to stop typing and looks over at her daughter. "Sophie? This is a surprise," Natasha says as she stands up from the desk. "What brings you by today?" "I am here to drop something off for you," Sophie admits to her mother as she opens her purse and pulls out a flash drive. "This is for you, for your consideration." Natasha arches her eyebrow back to her as she takes the flash drive. "Uh, okay? What's on this flash drive, exactly, Sophie?" "My resume," Sophie admits to her as Natasha looks back at her in surprise. "As you know, I was in school getting my business degree. And now, I want a job here, Mom. I want to work for the company that grandpa built from the ground up." "I don't know what to say," Natasha admits to her. "Just the other day, you didn't seem to even understand the nature of your actions as to why you got expelled, and now you want a job? What's changed?" "Jacob gave me some good advice about starting to show in my actions that I have changed, and I thought this would be a good start," Sophie tells her. "I know that what I did was wrong, Mom, but I want another chance. I really want to make this right between you, Dad and I. So, what do you say? Can I work here? Please?" Next
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