The Sugarbowl
sits at the window bar with a large coffee in front of him. He's looking out the
window in a daze as he is thinking about the previous day at Chris and Trenyce's
wedding, where he admitted to Leah that he was thinking of proposing to Meggan.
He almost can't believe that he is having those thoughts because he and Meggan
have been through so much together; there were times he never believed that they
could get back to this place. "But we are so happy together,"
he whispers to himself as he takes a sip of his coffee. "And I think we could
continue to be happy with each other, and Logan." He puts his coffee
down and grabs a small black box from his pocket. He opens it slowly, revealing
a large Rockwell diamond inside. He smiles at the sight of it. "Now
to find the perfect time to ask you to be my wife," Jeff continues to have
a smile on his face. "We will get it right this time, Meg. I know we will."
MW Investigations
"I was at Trenyce and Chris' wedding
yesterday, so I didn't get the chance to look into Olly's disappearance but I
will today," Meggan tells Lukas as they stand next to one another in her
office at the private investigating firm. She hasn't been able to stop thinking
about how at the reception she happened to see Jeff and Leah in an embrace; she
knows that they have a long history and are currently going through a difficult
time because they know that Leah gave birth to a son all those years ago in Santa
Barbara but they haven't been able to come up with any other leads to indicate
where the child could be. "I know that," Lukas nods back to
her. "We are just hoping that some news, any news, will come up about where
my son or Jasper are. The longer they are missing
" "We
will find them," Meggan moves up to her brother and pulls him into a hug.
"We can't lose faith, which is easier said than done." They
exit their embrace and Lukas looks back at his sister. "Why do I get the
feeling you're talking about more than just Olly now?" Meggan forces
a smile on her face. "You know me too well." "What's going
on?" "It's nothing," Meggan waves her hand back to him.
"It's just
you know that I've been trying to help Jeff and Leah find
their son. Well, there haven't been any leads and yesterday I saw them embrace.
I'm sure it was nothing
" "But," Lukas finishes her
sentence for her. "Seeing them be that close upset you?" he asks her
as Meggan nods back to him. "I understand why that would upset you; the three
of you have a long, heated history, but Meg, and I can't believe that I'm saying
this, but Jeff hasn't done anything to give you any indication that he is remotely
interested in Leah. Hell, she and Cory
have been apart for months and he hasn't made a pass at her. I think, I think
you have to trust what you have with Jeff." Meggan uneasily nods
back to him. "You're right," she replies to him. "I have to trust
that he loves me and that's why he is with me." St. Joseph's
"You look pretty today," Leah smiles to Paige as
she moves into a pew of the church and sits next to her daughter as they are waiting
for Andy and Nicholas' wedding to begin. Leah loves that she is at another wedding
so quickly after Chris and Trenyce's big day; she loves weddings, so the more
the merrier. "Thank you, so do you," Paige replies to her.
"It's been a few days since we've seen each other. How are things?"
"I was about to ask you the same thing," Leah chuckles to her daughter.
"Did you and Ethan find anything information on Frederick?"
Paige shakes her head back to her. "No, we haven't. We filed the restraining
order so he can't help Felicia while she's at Raven's Meadow, but that's about
it. To be honest, we haven't had time to look into Frederick himself."
"It's fine, I understand," Leah tells her, trying to hide her disappointment.
"I'm sorry Mom, I know that you had hoped that we'd uncover some information
on the baby that you had while you were in Santa Barbara," Paige replies
to her. "I'll still do whatever I can." "Thanks baby,"
Leah says as she gets water in her eyes. "It's just
I am starting to
lose hope about ever finding my son. I don't know what it will take to find him,
but I am beginning to think that I never will." Paige grabs her
mother's hand and squeezes it. "Do you remember what you told me when I was
little girl?" Paige asks her as Leah looks back at her. "You told me
that, you can't always choose what happens to you in life, but you can choose
your attitude about the events that happen to you. So, I think you need to take
that advice and stay positive. I know it is easier said than done, but if that's
all we have, then it's all we have." A tear falls down Leah's cheek
as she leans over and kisses Paige's forehead. "I love you my baby girl."
"I love you too, Mom. More than you'll ever know," Paige smiles
back to her. ***
Robin moves into the foyer of the church
to greet more guests to the wedding but she freezes when she sees Antonio move
into the church. She hasn't seen him since they agreed to just be friends, which
she knows he didn't take well because he was romancing her, but she couldn't deny
the feeling that she was starting to have for Cory again. She didn't realize that
Andy or Nicholas had even invited the casino owner, but he is standing in front
of her. "Antonio, hi, welcome," Robin moves up to him, her
large pregnant belly showing through her dress. "Robin, wow, you're
glowing," Antonio smiles back to her. Robin chuckles back to him.
"Well thanks, I feel like I'm as big as a boat," she tells him. "I
didn't realize you were invited to the wedding today." "Technically
I'm not," he replies to her. "But, Andy and Nicholas have both been
incredibly supportive of the casino at the Pink Flamingo, that I wanted to drop
off a small gift for them. Then, I'll be on my way." "That
was very sweet of you," Robin tells him, impressed that he went out of his
way to give her brother and his fiancé a gift. "You didn't have to
do that." Antonio shrugs back to her. "I wanted too. I like
doing nice gestures for people that are good and kind." "Well,
on behalf of both Andy and Nicholas in advance, thank you." "You're
welcome," Antonio looks into her eyes. "Are you absolutely certain that
there's nothing I can say or do that could convince you to give us a second chance?"
Robin blushes back to him, as Cory moves into the foyer and sees the close
moment unfolding between her and Antonio. "You're too kind, but yes, I am
sure. Cory and I, we have agreed to give our relationship another chance. But
Antonio, for the record, I have always enjoyed our moments together. If I didn't
have these feelings for Cory, then I could see you and I spending more time together."
Antonio nods back to her as he forces a smile on his face. "I will keep
that in mind," he whispers to her as he grabs her hand and kisses it. "Until
we meet again." Robin stands there watching Antonio leave the church,
while Cory feels his blood boil at the sight of Antonio kissing Robin's hand.
The Calimo Mansion
"I was at Roboto earlier and Sophie
is over the moon that you gave her a position there," Jacob tells Natasha
as he moves closer to the bed that she is in that is in her bedroom of the mansion.
Jacob passes her a glass of water and Natasha quickly takes a sip of it.
"Thank you Jacob," Natasha looks back at him after she swallows down
the water. "And I am glad; after seeing her collaboration with Isabelle and
Max, I thought she deserved the chance. After all, I can't punish her forever
for the boarding school incident." "She really does appreciate
it," Jacob nods back to her. "I just hope there's no drama there."
"Drama? Why would there be drama?' Jacob chuckles to her as
he thinks about how he warned Max not to get involved with Sophie as he felt like
they were making eyes at each other while they were at the office. "It's
a long story, one that you don't need to hear about. Tell me about you; how are
you feeling?" "Today, I am actually feeling pretty good,"
Natasha nods back to him. "Which is surprising, considering."
"Considering?" Jacob asks her next. "What happened?"
Natasha sighs back to him. "Cassie came to see me," she reveals to him.
"She raked me over the coals for telling you that my dying wish was to have
you with Isabelle. She's not happy at all." "Damn it, I told
her not to do anything rash!" Jacob protests back to her. "I am sorry
that she did that; the last thing you need in your condition is for Cassie to
be yelling at you." "It's fine, I can handle Cassie Nova,"
Natasha tells him. "But Jacob, I don't know how much time I have left; have
you given any thought to my wish?" "I have," Jacob admits
to her. "And I know that Isabelle is interested. I
I told her about
it." "Well then?" Natasha looks back at him. "Nothing
is stopping you and the time is now, Jacob. Please, be with Isabelle so I can
see you two happy before I die. Please do this for me." The Pier
Cassie storms down the pier quickly, feeling her blood boil as she left the Calimo
mansion without getting any other information about why Natasha is pressing Jacob
to be with Isabelle before she dies. The fact that Natasha is sticking her nose
into her relationship is driving Cassie crazy; she just doesn't know what to do
to stop this from happening. "You sick bitch," Cassie finally
stops moving and looks out at the river. "You never wanted me with Jacob
and now, you're asking him to leave me while you die? No, I have to stop this!"
She thinks back to a few nights earlier when she proposed to Jacob and he
said he couldn't marry her because of Natasha's request. "I was so close
to having everything I wanted and now I have to contend with this? I have to figure
out what you're up too Natasha, because I can smell a rat a million miles away."
St. Joseph's Church
"Oh my goodness, you look so incredibly
handsome," Kim gushes to Andy as she and Madeline stand in the room where
Andy is getting ready for the wedding. Kim is so happy that her brother is about
to be married again; she never believed that he would get back to this stage after
Reese died but she is so proud of everything Andy has overcome. "I promise
I'm not going to cry!" Madeline chuckles and moves up to Andy to
hug him. "How are you feeling?" Andy smiles as they exit their
embrace. "Honestly, I am nervous. I know that Nicholas and I love each other,
but this is still such a big moment." "It's normal to be nervous,"
Madeline nods back to him. "Agreeing to be with someone for the rest of your
life is a big step. "But I know you and Nicholas are ready for this,"
Kim tells her brother. "You two deserve all the happiness in the world."
"I agree we do," Andy chuckles back to her before he looks at Madeline.
"And for the record, I had a conversation with Reese when I got here, Madeline.
I asked him to continue to look out for me and that by me marrying Nicholas
doesn't change how much I love him." Madeline lets a tear fall down
her cheek as she hugs Andy again. "Reese would want this for you," she
whispers to him. "I know that in my soul. So Andy, be happy, okay? Because
that is the best gift you could ever give my brother." One Day
"What the hell is this?" Nicholas asks Clayton as
they stand facing one another in his office at the One Day House. Nicholas was
getting ready to leave for the church when Clayton arrived and announced that
he had something that would ensure that Nicholas and Andy never get married.
Clayton gets a sly grin on his face as he looks at the man that he loves.
"You see," Clayton moves closer to him. "I asked you, many times,
for another chance for us to be together, Nicholas and, every time, you refused.
So, I had to take matters into my own hands." "I rejected you,
Clayton, because I am in love with Andy!" Nicholas yells back at him. "I
am about to marry him! No, whatever this is, I don't want any part of it! Take
this garbage and get out of my office!" "I think you should
read it before you walk out that door," Clayton warns him. "Your mother
uncovered this for me and she has been keeping it safe until I needed to use it.
And now, is the perfect time for me to reveal the entire truth about my past."
Nicholas looks back at him. "What are you saying exactly? What is going
on?" "My parents," Clayton whispers back to him. "Preston
and Olivia; they knew about me and they made a provision of their will; take a
look, it's all in that folder that you threw on the ground." Nicholas
gulps as he moves over the papers on the floor and he picks them up. He starts
reading the document and gasps out loud by what he reads. "This can't be
"I'm afraid it is," Clayton gets a devilish grin on his face. "Now,
are you going to stay here and listen to my proposal or are you still going to
wake away from me?" Dominick's Townhouse
Abby chokes on her words. "It's not what you think, Dominick."
"Really?" Dominick asks her with anger growing in his voice. "I
remembered everything yesterday, Abby! I remember Victoria coming here and telling
me that Eva is alive! I remember going to the mansion to stop Felicia from marrying
Frederick! And, I remember fighting with Frederick, which lead him to knock me
out!" Abby feels her eyes swell with water as Dominick rehashes
his memories of what has happened. "And you know what is even worse, Abigail?
I came down stairs after my nap yesterday to talk to you about my hypnosis session,
and you know what I heard?" Abby looks back at him as a tear falls
down her cheek. "Yea, that's right! I heard you and your father talking about
how you've been kissing Ethan Alexander! So don't stand there and act like it's
not what I think, because I think it's pretty fucking clear what has been going
on around here! Now, start talking Abigail! Tell me everything that you've been
keeping from me and tell me NOW!" Next on One Day at a Time
- Abby pleads with Dominick to understand - What did Nicholas read? -
Jacob kisses Isabelle! | |