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The Good Guy Never Wins Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: November 08, 2023 | ||
Theme song: "Sun Goes Down" Charlotte Cardin The
Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas, Donovan, Logan & Olly's Home "Are you sure that Jeff heard correctly?" a stunned Lukas asks Meggan as they stand in the living room of the lavish mansion that they live in together. Meggan just finished telling her brother that Jeff got a call earlier and was told that Cory had died from a plane crash. Lukas is having a hard time wrapping his head around the news. "Cory is dead?" "That's what Leah said," Meggan nods back to him. "He rushed out of here to see how she was doing because she was upset." "I get why she would be upset," Lukas admits to her. "They were together for a long time. Are you okay that Jeff left here to see how his ex-wife is doing?" Meggan uneasily sighs back to him. "I am okay with it," she tells him. "I, I didn't tell you the entire story." Lukas arches his eyebrow back to her. "What is the other part of the story?" "Right before Jeff got the call about Cory, he asked me to marry him." "Wait, what?" Lukas asks her in shock. "You're engaged and you didn't say anything?" Meggan chuckles back to him, as another thunderclap is heard outside the house as the rain storm continues. "I actually didn't have the chance to give him an answer; like he literally was on one knee when Leah called about Cory." "Well, what are you going to do? Are you going to marry Jeff?" "Honestly? I don't know," she tells him quickly. "We have both been through so much, I don't know if I want to go down this path again, you know?" "I get it," Lukas tells his sister. "But take it from me, you never know what life will throw at you. Look at Donovan and I; we were so happy and now we are worried we will never see our son again. Don't take the chance to be happy for granted, but it could change on a dime." | ||
The Young Estate, Boston; Melissa
& Phil's Home "Alright, I didn't leave," Nicholas looks back at his mother, who is pouring two glasses of red wine from the bar in the living room of her mansion in Boston. Nicholas recalls how he arrived on his mother's doorstep after he saw her name on Clayton's phone as a recent phone call; he is determined to figure out a way to get the upper hand on his husband because he wants nothing more than to end his shame of a marriage. "But now, I need you tell me the truth about your connection to Clayton." Melissa turns and passes Nicholas a glass of the red wine. "I must admit, I didn't think that you were serious about walking out of my life, but when I heard that front door open, I got scared. You have to promise me, Nicholas, that no matter what, you will be in my life. Everything I have ever done has always been for your happiness. You and Robin, you are my entire world." "I don't always approve of your methods, Mom, but I do love you," Nicholas tells her quickly. "But I also love Andy and right now, I am trapped in this marriage to Clayton. So, if what you have to tell me could change that, then I need to know everything." Melissa takes a long sip of her wine before she looks back at him. "Okay, I'll tell you everything but you need to brace yourself, Nicholas, because what I have to tell you will change everything for you, Clayton and Andy forever." Twin
Peaks General Hospital "It's getting late, do you want to head home and get some rest?" Adam asks Cheresa as he opens the door to Dawn's hospital room and moves inside. He notices his daughter's fiance is looking exhausted while she sits next to Dawn, who is still in her medically induced coma. "Nah, I'm fine," Cheresa replies to him as they can hear another thunder bolt blast in the sky. "Do you want to head home? I don't mind staying overnight with Dawn." "To be honest, I had a coffee about 20 minutes ago and I am feeling wired. And I was hoping that we'd get an update on Dawn," he reveals to her. "She's been in this coma for a while now; shouldn't we find out if she is doing better or not?" Before Cheresa can respond, the door to the hospital room opens and Greg appears holding Dawn's file in his hands. "Dad, hi, what is the latest with Dawn? Do you have any new updates for us?" Greg moves into the hospital room and looks at Cheresa and then over at Adam. "Is Helen here? I can tell you all the news at once if you'd like?" As more thunder can be heard, Adam shakes his head back to the doctor. "She went home; it's so late that I don't think she will be back until the morning now." "Okay," Greg looks back at him. "Well, I just got Dawn's most recent test results back." "And?" Cheresa eagerly asks him. "How is she doing? Is she getting better?" "Yes," Greg smiles back to her, as Cheresa and Adam breathe a sigh of relief. "The medically induced coma is working; she is slowly getting better and stronger." "That's great news," Adam replies to the doctor. "When can she come out of the coma?" "Not just yet," Greg warns him. "I still want her to be stronger so when she does wake up, there won't be any chance of a relapse." "Thank you so much Dad," Cheresa moves up and hugs Greg. "This is the best news we could have asked for." The
Calimo Mansion As the rain storm continues, the living room of the Calimo mansion has been transformed into the setting of a small memorial service for Cory. Natasha had made the plans, and because there is no body to recover, she thought they should have the service as soon as possible. She didn't want Sophie to have to go through making all the details or waiting to say goodbye to her father, so she handled it for her daughter. "You didn't have to do this tonight Mom," Sophie says as she comes up to Natasha, who is sitting on the sofa, as she is still pretending to be dying and feeling weak. "Baby," Natasha tells her daughter, who sits next to her mother. "I wanted you to start mourning; I didn't want to drag this out for you." "I don't even know how to start to say goodbye to Dad; it doesn't seem real." "I know," Natasha pulls her daughter into her closer. "But whatever you need, I am here for you, okay? You don't have to go through this alone, I'll make sure of that." "Just please don't leave me too," Sophie cries to Natasha, who gulps back to her. "I can't handle losing my Mom and my Dad at the same time." *** Meanwhile, Isabelle looks out of the French doors into the garden and the rain storm as Shane comes up to her. "Quite the storm out there tonight, huh?" he asks her as Isabelle turns and sees her future father in law standing there. "It is unreal. I can't believe it is raining so much this time of the year," Isabelle replies to him. "I just hope it doesn't freeze; the roads would be awful in the morning." "I don't know if you remember but a few years ago we had an icestorm and it was one of the worst nights the town has ever seen," Shane tells her as he thinks back to that horrible night. "Well, let's hope nothing like that happens again." "So, you and Jacob, have you made any wedding plans?" Shane asks her as he changes the subject with her. "We have," Isabelle purses her lips together. "Actually, earlier I suggested we postpone the wedding because of Cory's passing but Jacob thinks the wedding will give the family a new sense of purpose and hope." "I think my son is right about that," Shane tells her, knowing that the sooner they are married, the sooner Natasha can miraculously recover from her "illness". "I know everyone here tonight that is mourning Cory loved him very much, but life does move on. It would be good for everyone, especially Sophie, to see that happen." "Well don't worry then," Isabelle winks back to him. "Because Jacob and I want to get married as soon as possible." *** Antonio looks across the room and sees Robin sitting next to Sophie and Natasha as they are start to share stories about Cory. He was at Robin's house comforting her over Cory's passing when they got the call about the small memorial service, so he brought her to the service at the mansion. Just then, another loud bolt of thunder crashes outside just as Antonio looks and spots Jacob pouring a glass of wine for himself. Antonio finds himself moving over to the younger man. "I am sorry about the loss your family is going through," Antonio announces as Jacob looks up at his future father in law. "I appreciate that," Jacob replies to him. "Can I get you a drink of some kind?" "No, I am alright right now, but thank you," Antonio tells him. "I haven't seen you since Isabelle told me about the engagement. I suppose congratulations are in order." "Thank you," Jacob uneasily smiles back to him. "I don't want you to think I was avoiding you, it's just, Isabelle told me that you haven't been the most supportive of our, uh, union." Antonio chuckles back to him. "I thought Isabelle was better suited for Max Black, but she is in control of her life and if she wants to marry you, I will not stand in her way. But Jacob, I will warn you about hurting my daughter .if you do anything to hurt her, you will answer to me. And that is not something you will want to do, take it from me." The
Lawson Estate; Greg, Kim & Cheresa's Home "I've had enough of this cat and mouse," a frustrated Kim tells Tara as they continue to stand in the maid's bedroom of the Lawson estate. Kim knows that Traci, who Tara is posing as, has asked if she has figured out the truth yet, but she has no idea what she is talking about but Kim is starting to get creepy vibes from the maid and wants to leave. "I'm going to go to bed, you have a good night." Another flash lightning illuminates the window in the bedroom as Tara moves closer to Kim. "And I told you, you're not going anywhere. This is going to end, tonight." Kim looks back at her in confusion. "What is going to end tonight? What the hell are you talking about?" "Are you actually going to stand there and pretend that you haven't figured this out yet?" Tara asks with a loud cackle, just as more thunder booms outside. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Traci," Kim tells her. "Now, if you'll excuse me, it's late and I'm going to bed." Kim moves past the maid and opens the door but she freezes when she hears a small click noise. "And I told you, you're not going anywhere," Tara yells back at her as Kim turns and gasps when she sees the barrel of a gun pointing in her direction. "You're staying put, have I made myself clear?" she asks Kim as more thunder blasts outside in the raging storm. Next
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