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![]() Adam Black Representation: Matthew Fox | ||
Full Name: Adam Black Profession: Teacher Martial Status: Married to Helen Previous Relationships: Sex, Cassie Nova; Divorced, Natasha Calimo; Broken Engagement, Victoria Franky; Divorced, Helen Mills; Broken Engagement, Robin Navy Family Ties: Daughter, Dawn Marie; Son, Max Black History: 2002 Adam is the high school sweet heart to Natasha, they married & divorced. He came to Twin Peaks to get back with Natasha, but soon realized she had moved on with Cory. Still, when Natasha was heavily drugged in the hospital, he slept with her. She found out and was devastated. She ended up driving her car off the bridge. 2003 In his grief for Natasha, he slept with Victoria. He proposed, but she turned him down. Upset, he got drunk and had a one night encounter with Helen Mills. Victoria discovered the affair and tried to kill Helen. The accident left Helen with no memory of her past. 2004 Adam stuck by her and they became engaged. 2009 Meanwhile, Andy discovered that Victoria had multiple personalities and told Adam. It was tough to prove, and a furious Victoria, rather her alter ego, tried to kill Adam and Helen in a fire while trying to get revenge on them. They survived and decided to move their focus to trying to help Helen remember her past. Helen started having memories of driving away in a car from a bank with Olivia Wilkins next to her. Adam was thrilled when Helen discovered she was pregnant. He married her on New Years Eve. 2010 Olivia, however, was determined to keep her past as a bank robber a secret. With the help of her husband Preston, Olivia began drugging Helen to keep her from having more memories. Adam became increasing frustrated with Helen's memory loss and her friendship with Olivia, whom he didn't trust. Helen went to the Calimo cabin one weekend with Olivia. There, Olivia induced Helen's labour and made a mysterious phone call. Later, she told Adam and Helen that their child had died at the cabin. Adam was devastated and blamed Helen for the child's death. They grew so far apart that Helen moved out of their house. Adam decided to investigate his daughters' death, but was having difficulty after learning that Helen had a normal pregnancy. On Christmas 2010, Adam and Helen reconnected unaware that their child was alive and with Cassie. 2011 Adam's investigation into the baby's death came up short when everything seemed to pan out. Helen grew increasing frustrated with Adam blaming her for the death and she moved out of their house together. She decided to go away with Cassie for the weekend to the cabin. Finding it was too painful with memories of the baby, she came home and leaned on Adam. They grew closer, especially during Preston and Olivia's tragic accident that killed them. Because Olivia was drugging Helen and Olivia was now dead, Helen soon began having more and more memories of the night her baby died. Adam rushed Helen to the hospital after she fainted. Together they learned that Olivia had been drugging her. Adam hired Madeline to uncover the truth about Helen's past. They learned her connection to the Wilkins bank robbing days. Helen still believed more was to be uncovered and together she and Adam worked to try to uncover the secrets from the night their baby died. 2012 In the aftermath of Sofia's, Helen found herself having a harder time remembering the night the baby died which upset Adam. He started to find himself attracted to one of his students Mallory. On the day of Sofia's funeral, Cassie was finally exposed and Adam and Helen were reunited with Dawn Marie! Adam lashed out at Cassie for her lies and she was later presumed dead. Adam was upset when his reunion with his wife didn't include sex with her as Helen became obsessed with keeping Dawn safe. She even bought a gun, which upset Adam. Helen shutting Adam out meant he was turning to Mallory more and more. They almost had sex but he stopped himself from cheating. Mallory, however, kidnapped Dawn in hopes of getting Adam's attention. Adam and Helen worried but Mallory soon revealed that she had the child. In her childhood tree house, Mallory told Adam that they could have a chance at being together unaware Helen was listening on the police radio. Mallory fell to her death and the Black's were reunited with Dawn but Helen had overheard Adam's near affair with the student. Adam gave Helen another ring in hopes of trying to put their marriage back on track; she accepted. Meanwhile, Helen started to hear odd noises coming from the basement. Adam told her they lived in an old house and it was nothing. Helen, however, continued to be worried for Dawn's safety. At home alone, Helen believed she heard someone trying to break into the house. It was Adam, but Helen shot him! He was left without feeling in his legs. Helen lied to Adam that she didn't shoot him - it was her brother Casey! Casey arrived in town after Adam's shooting to support Helen. Adam couldn't remember the shooting and tried to remember the night that changed his life forever. He continued to wonder what was going on with Helen as she seemingly changed. 2013 Adam continued to rehab his legs from the shooting. He also continued to have memories of the night of the shooting and he clearly remembers Helen shooting him. Helen, worried that her secret was coming out, started to drug her husband. Sure enough, Adam's memories became more hazy about the night of the shooting and he listened to Helen's claim that it was Casey who shot him. He confronted Casey, who backed up Helen's story. Adam confided in Shane that he thought his wife was acting odd and Shane agreed with him. It was revealed, in secret, that Helen wasn't really Helen - she is an alive Cassie, who had plastic surgery to make herself look like Helen! The real Helen is locked in the basement of the Black house. Cassie planned this because she wanted to reunite with Shane and Dawn; the night of the shooting Adam came home just as Cassie took Helen's place and this is why she shot him. Casey is the man that saved Cassie from the river when she was presumed dead; they had to make him say he was the one who shot Adam because Cassie was worried about her finger prints being run if she was arrested for the shooting. As Cassie continued to pose as Helen, she also continued to drug Adam to ensure he didn't remember the truth about the shooting. While his memory of the shooting became less and less clear, he took more progress in being able to walk again. Cassie, meanwhile, continued to grow closer to Shane. She told Adam that she wanted a divorce; he was upset but agreed not to protest. Adam was released from the hospital. He immediately went to Madeline and asked her to investigate Casey, as he didn't believe that Casey was the man he claimed he was. Madeline confirmed that Casey was a con. He went to confront "Helen"; Cassie seduced him to keep him from asking questions. At the same time, Shane arrived at the house wanting to talk to Helen. He realized that the couple just had sex. Cassie felt the walls closing in on her, so she knocked both of them out. Kim, meanwhile, also arrived at the house and went into the basement, finding a captive Natasha and Helen! Cassie emerged and confronted Kim. They fought, the gun went off twice leaving both women shot! Adam and Helen were soon reunited. Adam confronted Cassie in the hospital, who learned that she was pregnant! 2014 Adam and Helen reconnected in the New Year after dealing with the craziness of Cassie. Adam, however, was worried that he could be the father of Cassie's baby. Shane told his friend to tell Helen the truth; Helen was devastated to learn that Adam could be the father of Cassie's baby. Helen demanded that they get a paternity test done. Cassie, meanwhile, continued to taunt Helen, Natasha, Shane and Adam. The paternity test results came back: Adam is the father of Cassie's baby. Helen slapped her husband. Soon after, however, Helen came around and told her husband that she would help him get custody of the baby from Cassie. Adam thanked her and the two seemingly started to grow closer again. Helen went and visited Cassie; Cassie went into labour. Natasha found Helen knocked out on the floor and Cassie missing! Natasha feared that Cassie had replaced Helen again, so Helen had a DNA test to prove she was herself. Adam vowed to find his child with a missing Cassie. 2015 Helen confessed to Adam that she wondered if she had a family out there. He supported his wife's decision to look for her family. Together, they hired Madeline to look into Helen's past. Meanwhile, Adam and Helen decided to send Dawn to Europe when Shane put out a 30 day notice to Cassie: respond to his letter or their marriage would be terminated as they were scared Cassie would come back and try to take Dawn again. Soon, Madeline came to Adam and Helen and revealed that she found Helen's parents! While Helen went to visit Reg and Barb, Adam worried about how things went. Helen admitted to Adam that Reg was verbally abusive to Barb, but things went well. Adam was then thrilled when a teenaged Dawn came home. Dawn was thrilled to learn that Helen had found her parents. On a trip to visit Reg and Barb, Reg made it clear to everyone that he didn't like Adam, which caused tension between Adam and Helen. Adam left the visit early and leaned on Natasha. The two shared a kiss but agreed it was a mistake. Adam supported Natasha when she gave birth prematurely. Helen went back to visit her parents and Reg suffered a stroke! Reg was moved to Twin Peaks. On the night of the hospital gala, Shane and Natasha had a fight as did Adam and Helen. Adam and Natasha found each other and ended up having sex, unaware that Dawn saw them! In the aftermath, Adam and Natasha agreed it was a mistake and they decided to not tell anyone. Dawn, however, kept the secret but started to make catty remarks to Adam and Natasha. 2016 In the New Year, Adam was thrilled when Helen seemingly realized that Reg was verbally absuive to Adam. Reg then suffered another stroke and lashed out at everyone, including Barbara. Adam tried to calm Reg down, but Reg called him worthless and passed away, leaving Helen crushed. As Adam was with Reg when he died, Helen blamed him for his death. The couple felt even more strain when it turned out that Reg had some hidden debts and Helen agreed to pay them for Barbara. Meanwhile, Dawn pushed Natasha down the stairs after she admitted to knowing about Natasha's affair with Adam. Adam visited Natasha in the hospital and she revealed that she miscarried their baby. They shared a close moment. Shane, later, approached Adam and told him that something was going on with Natasha. He tried to tell Natasha that Shane was worried but Barbara overheard their conversation. Adam, meanwhile was trying to make up his mistakes to Helen. The night of the summer storm, Barbara admitted to Helen that she knows about Adam sleeping with Natasha! Helen confronted her husband and his lover; Adam admitted the truth. Helen slapped both of them. In the wake of the news, Helen asked Adam to move out. He did so, trying to give his wife some space. Soon, the parents realized that Dawn had run away. They were relived when she was found at the Calimo Mansion. Adam continued to try to get back into Helen's good graces but she continued to shut him out. 2017 Adam and Helen were thrilled when Dawn reached out to them at Andy's gala for Reese. It was short lived, however, when Adam learned that Barbara was pressuring Helen to file for divorce. He confronted his mother in law, but Helen told him to back off. Adam became more unnerved when he saw Chris and Helen growing closer. Dawn told her father that he did some bad things but he wants their family to be together. Soon after, Adam was served with divorce papers, however. He confronted Helen, who told him that she wanted to move on. He asked her if she wanted to move on with Chris, but Helen kept mum. Chris, however, saw them in a heated kiss and confronted Chris and warned him about hurting Helen. Soon, Helen and Adam signed their divorce papers, ending their long marriage. Dawn was upset with them. Adam, also, started hanging out with Robin as they bonded as they were both going through a divorce, as she left Cory. Later, Adam was moving out of his house when Max arrived. Adam was taken aback when Max questioned him about not recognizing the young man. Max then laid a shocker on Adam: he is Adam's son with Cassie Nova! Adam was shocked by Max's reveal that he is his son with Cassie. Max pushes Adam away for abandoning him. Adam then revealed to Helen that he has a son with Cassie, who is in town. Dawn was shocked to learn that her friend is really her half-brother. Adam was upset when Dawn rushed out. Adam tried to get to know Max, but he pushed him away. Adam then confronted Cassie about keeping Max from him. Cassie told him that she is a changed woman and wants to move forward; she offered to talk to Max about having a relationship with him. Shortly after, Max revealed to Adam that he wanted to do something with his life. Adam told him to follow his dreams. Meanwhile, Adam and Robin continued to grow closer as Adam and Helen's divorce was final and Robin ended things, for good, with Cory. Soon after, Max told Adam that he had a job interview. Adam wished him luck. Robin then surprised Adam by announcing she had hired Max as a photographer at Robertson Enterprises! Adam was proud of his son, unaware, that Max had developed a crush on Robin, as Adam and Robin grew closer. Helen then revealed to Adam that Dawn had runaway again, after learning about Helen's affair with Chris. Adam blamed Helen and wondered where his daughter was. 2018 Adam continued to support Max's career development at Robertson Enterprises, unaware his son was habouring feelings for Robin. Adam, meanwhile, continued to grow closer with Robin. Adam also supported Helen when Chris was arrested for Frederick's murder. Adam and Helen continued to reach out to Dawn, who was more receptive of coming around to her parents. Adam and Robin were about to make love when the ice storm hit. Robin learned of her family's medical crisis, so he drove her to the hospital. He supported Robin during the crisis. Later, Adam congratulated Robin and Max on the relaunch of the facial cream. Max was miffed when Robin chose to celebrate with Adam over him. Adam was then stunned when Dawn revealed she was a lesbian, but Robin supported him. Adam knew he had to support his daughter and was shocked by Barbara, who didn't approve, when she suggested they send Dawn to a bible camp. Adam and Helen agreed to send Dawn away to the bible camp, but Adam immediately told Robin that he was regretting his decision. She told him that Dawn will be fine and that he needs to support her when she is back. They grew closer, which upset Max. Max and Robin grew closer while working together on the Christmas ad-campaign for Robertson Enterprises. Adam, meanwhile, told Helen that he was going to ask Robin to marry him. She supported him. Max overheard Adam making plans and vowed to stop it. After the photoshoot, Robin left to meet Adam. Max had Robin's phone and texted Adam to meet her at the boutique instead. Once Adam arrived, Max rigged it so some scaffolding fell on to him! More material fell on Adam than Max had wanted and he was worried he seriously injured his father. Max rushed out. Leah and Jeff found Adam and he was rushed to the hospital, as he had internal bleeding from the injuries. Adam survived surgery and woke up. While he was going to make a full recovery, Craig did tell him that he was left impotent as a result of the accident. At the same time, Adam learned that Dawn was raped at the bible camp. He tried to support his daughter, but she ended up lashing out at her parents for sending her away. Adam then dumped Robin because he couldn't be a man for her anymore, but used Dawn as his cover. Robin was confused and upset. She pleaded with Adam but he refused. Adam and Helen continued to try to be there for Dawn. Shortly after, Adam was shocked to learn that Barbara killed Jonah, Dawn's rapist. He and Helen grew closer while trying to keep their family together. Adam finally revealed to Helen why he dumped Robin, and she encouraged him to tell Robin the truth. Adam and Max, meanwhile had a heart to heart and Adam told Max that he ended things with Robin, making Max think he could have a chance with her after all. 2019 Adam continued to push Robin away because of his impotence. He grew closer to Helen as they learned that Dawn was pregnant by the rape and they supported her decision to give the baby up for adoption. Barbara, then was released from jail, as Simona could prove that Dawn was raped by Jonah due to her medical files. Barbara was sentenced to community service. Adam and Helen kissed and ended up having sex, which proved that he was over his impotence. In the wake, Helen thought that they would get back together but Adam told her that he still loved Robin, which Helen understood. Adam and Helen were then horrified when Barbara shot Dawn because she thought Dawn was going to give her unborn child to Natasha and Cory. At the hospital, they learned that while Dawn would make a full recovery, the baby was dead. Robin was unnerved to see how close Adam and Helen were, but when she was alone with Adam, she told him the truth about Max's role in the accident from last fall. Adam and Robin confronted Max, who admitted it. Adam disowned his son and Robin fired him. Later, Adam and Helen told a tearful Dawn that she lost the baby but they were happy when she agreed to move home instead of back with Shelley. As Helen longed for Adam, he seemingly reunited with Robin. Adam asked Helen to keep their night of passion a secret from Robin, which Helen agreed to do, even though she had hoped that it meant that she and Adam would reunite. Adam told her that they will always have a special moment, but he was in love with Robin. He and Robin reunited, and they made love. Soon after, Adam proposed to Robin, who happily accepted. In the wake of the Gen Next House, Adam and Max agreed to put their past behind them. Robin remained skeptical of Max, however. Adam then surprised Robin with an engagement party. Helen arrived and got drunk because she was so upset by the news of Adam's pending marriage. She left soon and got into a car accident. Adam and Dawn were horrified when Brandy, Victoria's alter ego, pronounced Helen dead. Adam and Dawn had no idea that Brandy drugged Helen to make her appear dead, but she was really buried alive. Brandy wanted to get back at her for sending Dawn to the bible camp the previous year. Adam and Dawn were dealt another devastating blow when Barbara died in Raven's Meadow, thanks for Brandy giving her electroshock therapy. 2020 Adam supported Dawn, who was devastated by the passing of both Barbara and Helen. Robin, meanwhile, pressed Adam to get married sooner rather than later, claiming that some happiness would do the family good. He finally agreed and he asked Max to stand up for him. Shane interrupted the wedding with his theory that Brandy, Victoria's alter ego, had buried Helen alive! Adam, Shane and Max dug up Helen's grave and found her barely alive. Dawn and Adam rejoiced, which left Robin feeling like the odd woman out. Adam was able to take Helen home, where she wanted to press charges against Victoria. After a passionate plea from Eva, Helen agreed not to press charges but she told Adam that she still loved him and wanted him back. He had to tell his ex-wife that he was still in love with Robin and that his future was with her. He wasn’t happy with Robin, however, when she told Leah and Jeff the truth about Max's involvement in his accident at the boutique a few years earlier. Adam was worried about Max after Robin told him that she was going to tell Leah & Jeff about Max's role in the accident at the boutique a few years earlier because Max had started dating Paige. Robin assured him that she would make them promise to not say anything. Adam, meanwhile, continued to grow closer to Helen as they worried about Dawn's behavior. Shelley got involved as well and the three of them realized that Dawn was self-medicating with her anti-depressant pills. Soon after, Dawn was found asleep on a bench on the pier while Cheresa slipped and fell into the river. Adam and Helen were horrified when Dawn had to have her stomach pumped. When she woke up, she agreed to help for her pill addiction. Robin suggested to Adam that they get married to bring so joy to the family, but he refused telling her that Dawn had to be his top priority. Robin was upset but they made up. On New Year's, Helen revealed to Robin that she cured Adam when he was impotent. 2021 Robin confronted Adam over Helen's claims that she cured him of his impotence. Adam admitted that it was true but maintained that he and Helen are only friends and they only had sex once. Robin was crushed and admitted that she needed time to get over it. Adam agreed to give her space as he left town with Dawn, who went to rehab. When they returned, Adam went to Robin to see if they could reunite. She agreed on the condition that he wouldn't see Helen anymore! Adam agreed and told Helen and Dawn his decision; they were furious with Robin. Adam soon realized that he couldn't stay out of Helen's life because of Dawn and told this to Robin. She wasn't pleased but told him that she had to go to Paris for a work trip and suggested he come along so they could have time alone together to rebuild their relationship. He agreed, unaware that Helen heard and she planned to go to Paris. In France, Adam and Robin agreed to meet at the Eiffel Tower at 4 pm. Right before Adam was getting ready to leave, Helen showed up and kissed him and then professed her love for him. Adam told her that while he cares for her, he was in love with Robin. Helen was crushed. Adam left but couldn't find Robin at the Eiffel Tower as he was about 15 minutes late. He assumed Robin stood him up. He and Helen returned to Twin Peaks, where Adam ran into Robin. They laughed their missed connection off and agreed to move forward, unaware that Robin had slept with Shane in Paris.Adam was horrified to learn that Robin and Helen had a catfight that resulted in Robin getting a concussion. Adam told Helen that her behaviour was unacceptable. Shortly after, Robin told Adam that she had something to tell him. He assumed that she wanted him to stop seeing Helen again, so he told Helen he can’t see her anymore. Back at home, Robin tearfully admitted that she was pregnant and that Shane was the father! Adam was furious and walked out on her. While driving, a drunk Chris hit Adam’s car! At the hospital, both men survived but Adam suffered from short term memory loss as he couldn’t remember the last 5 years of his life. Shane warned his family not to tell Adam what has happened or it could risk his recovery. Robin was crushed when Adam moved back in with Helen because he thought they were still married. Dawn loved having her family back together, despite it not being real. Soon, Adam and Helen made love as he assumed they were still together. Robin learned and was furious with Helen and they had another catfight! Adam broke it up but the fight caused him to regain his memory, including that Robin was pregnant with Shane’s baby. The stress caused Robin to go into premature labour. At the hospital, Adam lashed out at Helen for fighting with a pregnant woman; Robin gave birth to a girl. Dawn told Adam he had to choose who he wanted as he clearly had two women in love with him. 2022 Adam continued to be upset with Helen for taking advantage of him while he had no memory. She pleaded with him to forgive her but he kept her at arm's distance. Adam and Robin talked and agreed to try to put their relationship back together, even though she was upset that he slept with Helen. Robin made it clear to Adam that she didn't trust Helen. Shortly after, Robin and Shane learned that Dominique was well enough to be discharged from the hospital. Robin agreed to move back in with Adam. Shane, however, wasn't pleased that his daughter would be living with Adam. He saw a few close moments between Robin and Adam. Adam then proposed to Robin, again, who accepted. They asked Max and Dawn to stand up for them and they agreed. Helen pleaded with Adam to forgive her, and he finally agreed to try to put the past behind them since they have a history together. Helen was thrilled. Shortly after, Adam was gutted when Robin announced that she was moving out: if she didn't, Shane was going to file for custody of Dominique! Adam told Robin he loved her but watched her leave. Helen supported Adam during his breakup and tried to kiss him, but he told her he was still in love with Robin. Adam was visited by Robin and she told him that she was going to marry Shane to give Dominique a stable home. He was crushed and told her that she didn't have to go through with it, but she insisted. Helen suggested her ex-husband move on. On the day of the wedding, Adam visited Robin and they shared a kiss. He told her he would always love her, but she married Shane anyways. Helen and Dawn tried to comfort him. Adam, then, overheard Helen leaving Shane a voicemail saying their plan worked. He demanded to know what she meant and she finally broke down and confessed her and Shane's scheme to Adam! Adam was livid and refused to forgive Helen, who pleaded with him to understand. Adam and Helen, then, were forced to work together to support Dawn when Cheresa was kidnapped. Helen believed that they were still a good team but Adam told her that he was going to tell Robin the truth about her scheming with Shane. Adam arrived at Shane's and demanded that Shane tell Robin everything, which he did. In the aftermath of learning the truth, Adam and Robin reunited and made love. Shane told Adam that he and Robin also had sex and Adam was livid. He told Robin he needed time to get his head around her sleeping with Shane. 2023 Adam and Shane continued to butt heads over Robin. Robin, then, stunned Adam by revealing that she was pregnant. Adam was thrilled that he was going to be a father again but Robin revealed that Shane could also be the father. Devastated that he was going through this again, Adam told Robin that if Shane turns out to be the father, they would be over. Robin told him that she believed he was the father. Adam, then, told Helen that he wished her well and she left for Mexico for a vacation. Robin then learned that Shane was the father of the baby and Adam ended their relationship. Helen apologized to him but Adam said it was for the best. Adam, then, was put off to learn that Helen met a man in Mexico and he turned up in Twin Peaks. Adam saw them together and realized that they were getting closer. Dawn told her father that this could be his last chance to get back together with Helen. Adam admitted that he thought Dale, the man Helen was seeing, was familiar to him. Then, it came flooding back to him: Dale is Mallory Cunningham's father! Adam revealed the truth to Helen, who was floored. Adam told Dawn about Dale's connection to the woman who kidnapped her as a baby. Adam and Dawn were then stunned to learn that Helen accepted Dale's marriage proposal! Adam and Dawn were rocked to learn that Helen had accepted Dale's marriage proposal as they thought that it was odd that Mallory's father was back in their lives. He asked Helen if she was sure that she wanted to do this and Helen noted that she spent enough time pining after someone that didn't want her, so she was sure. Adam accepted her decision but admitted to Dawn that he was worried about it. Dawn agreed and asked her mother if she was sure about marrying Dale and Helen said yes. Adam and Dawn wondered if they could learn something about Dale that would prevent Helen from marrying Dale. Dale and Adam shared some words and shortly after. Then, Adam and Helen learned that Dawn was involved in a hit and run! They rushed to the hospital and were horrified to learn that someone hit Dawn with their car and left her for dead. Adam, Helen and Cheresa were worried when Greg told them that Dawn was being put in a medically induced coma to help her recover. Simona arrived and revealed that the police found Dale's car abandoned outside of the town and it had a large dent in it. Adam, then, learned that the paint chips from Dale's car matched the paint that was found at Dawn's accident sight! He realized that Dale hit Dawn and raced to find Helen, who had been missing from the hospital, even after Dawn woke up. Adam went to Helen's house and discovered that she was tied up in the treehouse, where Mallory had kidnapped Dawn all those years ago. Adam and Dale fought after he admitted that he wanted revenge for Mallory's death! Dale ended up falling out of the tree house and died, just like Mallory did. Adam saved Helen, and they reunited with Dawn, who was able to leave the hospital. On New Year's Eve, Adam admitted to Helen that he still loved her and they shared a kiss. 2024 Adam planned a romantic dinner for him and Helen. At the dinner, Adam proposed to his former wife, but she declined as she told him that she didn't want to put her heart on the line again after everything that happened with Dale. Adam told Max and Dawn that Helen turned him down and they were surprised but encouraged him not to give up. On Valentine's Day, Adam, once again, professed his love to Helen and asked her to marry him. Helen realized that he did love her and she accepted! Then planned their wedding and then, they both got offered jobs at the University of Toronto. They agreed to take the jobs after the wedding. They told Max and Dawn, who were upset but supportive. Shortly after, Dawn announced that she wanted to move with them, and they agreed. Adam and Helen got married in a lavish ceremony and then, they left town with Dawn. |
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